Transformation Centre

Transforming people to transform their world

Transformation Centre Booking Form

Transforming people to transform their world.


Transformation Centre Pre-work Forms:

To help us to serve you effectively, please fill out the appropriate form and submit the following information at the time of booking you to secure your appointment. This allows our ministers to prayerfully prepare for your session. Note: The information will be kept confidential at all times.


Catch The Fire Hub. 29 Apollo Drive, Unit 102, Rosedale, Auckland North Shore.

If you would like to discuss which service would be of most benefit to you or have any queries about your booking, please email [email protected]


The Transformation Centre runs on the generous donations of people who desire to invest in the work we are doing and also those who benefit directly from the ministries offered. We highly recommend those who receive ministry make a donation towards supporting the Transformation Centre and ongoing training of our volunteers. We have noted a suggested donation for each ministry offered as a guide for those receiving ministry. Although donations are not compulsory we recommend you give so we can continue to be a blessing to the body of Christ and impact New Zealand with the Kingdom of God. Receipts are given for all donations.